

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


by Burke Hedges


Who are you? A bucket-carrier............ or a pipeline builder? Do you get paid only when you how up for work like Bruno the Bucket Carrier? Or do you do the work once and get paid over and over again like Pablo the Pipeline Builder?

If you're like most people, you're working the bucket-carrying plan. It's the timefor-
money-trap. The problem with bucket carrying is that the money stops when the bucketcarrying stops. Which means the concept of a "secure job" or "dream job" is an
illusion. The inherent danger of carrying buckets is that the income is temporary instead of ongoing.

If Bruno woke up one morning with a stiff back and couldn't get out of bed, how much money would he earn that day? ZERO! No Work-No Money! The same goes for any bucket-carrying job. Once bucket-carriers stop carry buckets for any reason, they won't continue to get a paycheck.

Real-Life True Story:

My previous dentist was the best dentist I ever had. A complete professional. Great personality. Great technician. Every visit was virtually pain-free. She loved what she did and set her own hours. She was only open three days a week so she could spend four-day weekends with her family. She pulled down more than $100,000 a year working three days a week at a job she loved. This was a bucket-carriers dream job if there ever was one!

One problem. Before the age of 40 she developed arthritis in her hands and couldn't work anymore. Today she teaches at a university earning one-third the income she earned as a dentist. 
There's no such thing as a secure bucket-carrying job no matter how great it seems.

The problem with the time-for-money trap is that if you can no longer trade-thetime, you no longer get the money!Most people mistake bucket-carrying for pipeline building. We observe 99% of the people in the world are carrying buckets, so we assume bucket carrying is the way to get what we want in life.

We grow up surrounded by bucket-carriers, so we figure that's the way-of-the-world. It reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw recently: 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong! People think the same way about bucket-carriers. 100 million bucket-carriers can't be wrong.

Well yes they can!.

Let's face it. there are a lot more bucket-carriers in this world than pipeline builders.Why?

Because bucket-carrying is the model that our parents followed and the one that they taught us to follow. The bucket-carrying model tells you here's what you do to get ahead:
Go to school and learn how to carry buckets.

Work really hard.

Earn the right to carry bigger buckets. (get promoted)

Resign from "Bucket Company A" to work for "Bucket Company B" which lets you
carry even bigger buckets.

Work longer hours so you can carry more buckets.

Put the kids through bucket-carrying college.

Try to get promoted from carrying metal buckets....... to carrying plastic
buckets............ to carrying digital buckets.

Dream of the day you can retire from bucket carrying after 30-40 years. Until then, keep carrying those buckets....................... or, the bucket-carriers dream comes true. You hit the big lottery! (the odds are 1 in about 14-15 million against them, but hey most all bucket carriers think it could happen to them, so........... until then, keep carrying those buckets)

What do all those bucket-carriers earn for their efforts?

Surprisingly little. According to Parade magazine's "What People Earn" survey, the average worker in America earns $28,500 a year. Subtract almost 20% for taxes, and that leaves $22,500 take-homepay. 

Let's face it, that's not enough for most people to live on.

What do bucket-carriers do when they need more money?
Because they have a bucket-carrying mentality, they come up with a bucket carrying solution............ if you need more money you've got to carry more buckets!

"I'll get a second job carrying buckets in the evenings and on weekends," Daddy
Bucket Carrier decides.

"I can go back to the bucket-carrying job I had before the kids were born,"
Mommy Bucket Carrier says.

"The kids can get bucket-carrying jobs after school and in the summer," they
both say.

The Results?
Today North Americans work the longest hours in the world. Yes, even more than the work-obsessed Japanese. Is the earn-more-money-by-carrying-more-buckets plan working?

No. Here are the facts.

Consumer debt is at a record high. The average household has 95 cents worth of debt for every dollar earned.

The proportion of women working to support their families more than doubled
over the past 20 years. More people are taking second and third mortgages on their single biggest asset............ their homes............. to pay the bills.

Hello! What's wrong with this picture?

It's the fallacy of carrying bigger buckets. Bucket carriers tell themselves everything would be okay if they could just carry bigger buckets. Bucket carriers are forever wondering how much money other bucket carriers earn. True, the doctors bucket is a lot bigger than the cook's bucket............. about ten times bigger! But that doesn't mean the doctor is financially independent. He's just as dependent on his bucket carrying job as the cook.


They spend more! Truth is, the doctors and lawyers making six-figures are spending most of their income to support their lifestyles.
a. The average worker drive a $5,000 used car. The doctor drives a $45,000 Lexus.

b. The average worker sends his kids to free public school. The doctor sends his
kids to private school............ and on and on and on.
The doctor spends just as much of a percentage of his income than all other bucket carriers. All are living paycheck-to paycheck. If you don't believe check the bankruptcy records. You'll see every kind of bucket carrier listed in there!

All Buckets Eventually Dry Up

All buckets dry up no matter how big they are. Pipelines, on the other hand, are self-sustaining. But pipelines require sacrifice. Pipelines don't build themselves. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort to build them.

A Bigger Bucket Won't Solve The Problem. Why?

Carry as big a bucket as you can but build a pipeline on the side, because as long as you carry buckets, you have to show-up to get paid, and no matter how big the bucket is... it will dry-up. Many a person has gone from the "Millionaire Next Door" to the "Bankrupt Person Next Door". This person had a HUGE bucket and now has nothing!

His name is Darryl Strawberry. Professional baseball player. The 38 year old outfielder broke into the majors as a teenager and was hailed as the next Ted Williams! Strawberry has made a fortune in his career............. $2-$5 million every year. That was just from his baseball contract! Add a couple million from endorsements, speeches, autographs and more and he's earned $50-$100 million before his 40th birthday!

A guy like that has to be set for life right? WRONG!

According to a local newspaper report, "Strawberry has no income or savings to support his current wife and their three children."

What Happened?

Strawberry bought expensive everything........... including drugs and alcohol. Strawberry didn't build a pipeline............. because he thought he had enough money to last forever no matter what. He can't play baseball anymore because of his drug problem. He won't be allowed to play ever again. He's Broke!

It's Your Turn To Choose

What sounds like the best plan to you? Remember, most of your friends and neighbors won't understand! They've been taught to carry buckets. Time Levels The Playing Field 

It doesn't matter how much money your earn ............ or how little money you earn........... we all have the same amount of time in each day. 24 hours. 

It doesn't matter if you're a doctor, lawyer, or cook. It only takes time to build a pipeline. Yes you'll need tools................ but those will cost relatively very little.

So everyone has an equal opportunity when it comes to building a pipeline!

Some people put off building their pipelines because "right now isn't a good time for me." Guess what? Right now is a bad time for anybody! We're all stressed. We're all busy. We're all putting out fires and dealing with unexpected emergencies. There's a word for these bad times. It's called life!

Some people waste their lives waiting for the "perfect time" to do x, y, or z. Well, they'll die waiting because there's no such thing as a perfect time. If someone told you they'd give you $1 million dollars if you'd sit in a corner and knit for two hours every day for one year, you'd find the time right? 

It wouldn't matter if your son broke his arm.............your car wouldn't start........

the cat got sick. Rather than forfeit $1 million dollars, you'd find the time no matter what.

Waste Not Want Not

People often ask me why they should take the time and effort to build pipelines when things aren't going so bad for them right now. They say they deserve to relax in the recliner and watch TV after a hard days work. Got a few bucks in the bank.... kids are doing good in school........... no need to "rock the boat". There's no better time to build your pipeline than when things are going good!

A Final Thought

A man was on the 30th floor of a fancy hotel overlooking Central Park in Manhattan. He pulled back the shades........... and threw open the window to enjoy the view. As he leaned out the window, he was startled to see a man falling past his window.

"How you doing?" he asked the falling man.

"Fine so far," came the reply.

The point is, there are lots of bucket carriers in the world that think they are "doing just fine". But they can't stay in the free-fall forever. Sooner or later they'll meet the ground.

For bucket carriers it's................... don't or can't show up for work............... no more paycheck!

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